Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Asset Management Industry of Pakistan

The Asset Management industry of Pakistan is expanding day by day. Despite lesser knowledge about the mutual funds industry in Pakistan, the key stake holders of the industry have shown notable growth and potential of tremendous growth in near future.

Mutual funds are basically a pool of numerous funds including stocks, treasury bills and other commodities which are open for investments. Unlike stock exchange where investor can only invest in stocks, mutual funds offer various investment opportunities to its clients. The fund managers allocate the funds in different pools of investment according the needs of its investor to ensure minimum loss with maximum profitability.

Mutual funds are quite popular in the developed countries moreover they have attained a notable market in India as well. Speaking of Pakistan the market still has the potential of growth as the masses are not much aware about the funds.

The mutual funds industry of Pakistan can be utilized to attract local investors and achieve sufficient accumulation of funds within the country to further support the flow of capital within the Pakistan.

Due to frequent political instability and limited productive economic opportunities mutual funds can play a vital role to provide investment platform for the local wealth holders. Mutual funds industry cannot only help providing wealth generation opportunities locally but it will also help in sustaining investments with in the country.

The writer is a freelance blogger – journalist and professional PR practitioner.

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